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Successful job interview - Key points to follow

Updated on July 1, 2017

“The Resume gets you the interview; the interview gets you the job.” As per this old saying the job interview offers you an opportunity to gather more information about the organization and at the same time the organization is allowed to gather more information about you. You need to present your best self at the interview.

The interview process is discussed here in three parts; before the interview, the interview itself and after the interview. If you successfully pass through these three stages you will be called back by the organization.

Before the Interview

In preparing for the interview you should follow the points given here:

  • You should understand that interviewers have diverse styles such as interrogation style of question after question, “chitchat” style, tough probing “why, why, why” style, “let us get to know each other” style etc. Therefore you must be ready for any of these styles.
  • You may practice with a friend being interviewed and then ask for a critique. Alternatively you can record yourself in a practice interview on a video camera so that you can critique your own performance.
  • You can prepare at least five good questions whose answers are not easily found in the company literature, web sites etc. For example “What is the future direction of the firm?”, How does the firm differentiate itself from competitors.”, “Do you have a new media division?”.
  • Anticipate possible interview questions such as “Why do you want to work for this company?” or “Why should we hire you?. You must prepare solid answers for these questions before the interview. Have a clear idea of why you are interested in joining this company and the industry to which it belongs.
  • As much as possible you must avoid back-to-back interviews. They can be exhausting and it is unpredictable how long it will last.
  • Dress professionally and conservatively. You must be neat and clean at the interview.
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early to the venue and collect your thoughts and review the major points you intend to cover. Always be courteous and polite to the office staff.
  • You should approach the interview enthusiastically and let your personality shine through.

During the Interview

  • As you enter the room you must shake hands firmly in greeting the interviewer and introduce yourself. Focus on creating a good initial impression.
  • Remember to keep you poise, relax, smile when appropriate and be upbeat throughout.
  • You must maintain eye contact, good posture and speak distinctly. Do not clasp your hands or fiddle with jewelry, hair or clothing. Sir comfortably in your chair. Do not smoke even if asked.
  • Carry extra copies of your resume with you. Bring samples of your academic or professional work.
  • Present your selling points and answer question directly. Avoid answers with one word or two words.
  • Let the interviewer take the initiative but do not be passive. Find an opportunity to direct the conversation to things about yourself that you want the interviewer to hear.
  • To end on high note, make your most important point or ask your most pertinent question during the last part of the interview.
  • Do not hesitate to close the interview in a descent way such as “I am very interested in the position and I have enjoyed the interview.”
  • Obtain the interviewer’s business card or address and phone number so that you can follow up later.

After the Interview

  • After you leave the interview, record the key points that arose.  Be sure to note who is to follow up and when a decision can be expected.
  • Analyze the interview objectively including the questions asked, the answers to them, your overall interview presentation and the interviewer’s responses to specific points.
  • If you do not hear within the specified time, depending on the circumstances you may call the interviewer to determine your status

Follow up

You will be invited to visit the organization if you are successful at the interview. The in-company interview may run from several hours to an entire day. The organization will examine your interest, maturity, enthusiasm, assertiveness, logic and functional knowledge. Here, you must ask questions about issues of importance to you. Find out about the working environment, job role, responsibilities, opportunity for advancement, current industrial issues and the company’s personality. The company wants to discover if you are the right person for the job, whereas you want to find out if it is the right job for you. The key is to determine if the right fit exists between you and the company.

Wish you all the very best!

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